Attention Deficit Disorder with or without Hyperactivity (ADHD) is often associated with difficulties at school. Inattention, impulsivity, hyperactivity… these telltale signs of ADHD can interfere with children’s learning and school results. Are you a parent, teacher or remedial professional looking for solutions? Once again, Babaoo Mag has the facts for you! 💡
Without the necessary support, children with ADHD can experience intense frustration or exhaustion when faced with the fast pace of the school system. Their racing brains and constantly racing minds make them more susceptible to distractions, reduce their ability to stay focused and affect their ability to manage time effectively.
This reality, which is often difficult to manage alone, can lead to feelings of failure and withdrawal. It is therefore essential to understand the specific challenges these children face and to identify support and differentiation strategies to help them overcome these obstacles. 🎯
In a classroom that is sometimes noisy (really?! 😅) and full of stimuli, staying focused for a child with Attention Deficit Disorder with or without Hyperactivity can be particularly complicated. Fortunately, adopting a few good reflexes on a daily basis can change everything!
An appropriate learning environment is essential for every child, and this is all the more true for those with ADHD, who are more easily disturbed by surrounding noise and movement. So putting them in an area of the classroom where visual and auditory distractions are minimal can do a lot to help them stay attentive.
Children with ADHD can also find it hard to stay put for long periods of time. Mounted on springs, they get restless! When they’re not gesticulating in their chairs, they get up and move around for no apparent reason, risking disrupting the classroom harmony that can be so hard to establish. 🤯
Rest assured, some reasonable arrangements are proving very effective in helping them better manage their constant need to move.
“Work hard, play hard!” 💪 Children with ADHD are no exception to the rule! What could be better than a short break to allow them to let off steam, recharge their energy and refocus before resuming their activities?! To do this, set up a dedicated area in the classroom where children who need it can recharge their batteries: cushions, yoga mats, books and board games… 5 minutes later, it’s all over!
Teach children to recognise when they need to calm down or concentrate and to put in place self-regulation techniques that suit them, such as breathing exercises, relaxation or focusing their attention. Understanding how you work is the basis of metacognition.
Another major challenge for children with this disorder is task management and organisation. They often struggle to complete a task that has just begun, follow instructions and manage their time effectively.
Just as at home, it’s crucial to help our little charges get better organised in the classroom. To do this, there’s nothing like introducing clear, structured routines and procedures. This helps pupils to anticipate upcoming tasks, smooth the transition from one activity to another and develop their independence. For example, every Monday, the morning ritual could look something like this:
Clocks, hourglasses, “to-do lists” or pictorial wall planning are all tools that can help children with ADHD to organise their days better thanks to a clear, structured visualisation of the tasks to be carried out.
For once, the not-so-nice “divide and conquer” method should inspire you! By breaking down complex activities into concrete micro-tasks that are easier to pin down, children will have a better grasp of a timetable that can sometimes seem complicated.
Rather than asking them to write a story, suggest that they :
Apart from possible problems with concentration and organisation, another difficulty encountered by children with ADHD is their ability to participate actively and productively in class. This is not just limited to their ability to stay focused, but also extends to a variety of other behaviours that can interfere with their learning and that of their classmates.
Often out of step with the pace of the class, they lose track of discussions or instructions, sometimes after only a few minutes. Their attention can easily be diverted by a flying fly, the whisper of a neighbour or their own imagination.
What’s more, their impulsiveness can lead them to interrupt the flow of the class. For example, they might shout out an answer without raising a finger, or ask a question about the stars when the lesson is about reading. Although generally without malicious intent, these interventions can break the concentration of other pupils.
Rather than opting for a learning process based on passive listening, introduce a participative classroom dynamic that will make lessons more engaging. Games, manipulatives, interactive stories and all other forms of playful learning are real attention-getters!
It’s crucial to highlight the contributions of children with ADHD within the classroom. Brimming with original ideas, their active participation can clearly enrich group discussions.
To channel this creative energy, encourage them to express their thoughts in a structured way. For example, you could ask them to raise a “green hand” when they have an answer to give, and a “red hand” if they have a question to ask. When they respect this rule, don’t forget to congratulate them. In this way, you’ll boost their self-confidence and give them a clear understanding of the importance of respecting rules if they are to live better in society.
✏ Note: Are you the parent of a child with ADHD and looking for advice on how to improve their day-to-day life at home? Reed this article.