Super smart, yes! [laughs]
By chance! I found myself at a conference where they were talking a lot about HPI. How much, when you’re young, you can have nightmares, etc. Like ¾ of the room, I recognized myself in the description and wanted to know more…
I don’t know if I’m developing it, my intelligence… [laughs]
Good question! My definition is that it’s what we also call the “g” factor. A sort of general ability that encompasses lots of things: memory, speed, reasoning capacity, vocabulary, etc.
Indeed, the definition of “intelligence” is the subject of much debate. While the concept of the “g” factor is widely recognized, other approaches are also being considered.
The difficulty in arriving at a universal definition of “intelligence” lies in its inherently fuzzy and complex nature. It’s not simply what we, as researchers or theorists, would like to define. When people are asked about their conception of intelligence, answers vary widely, testifying to the complexity of the concept. So, it seems, there is no single answer to this question…
They are ordinary in the sense that the difference between HPIs and others is only a quantitative one. They are faster, they have more memory, better reasoning. But they don’t function any differently. To draw a parallel, it’s like when we talk about athletes: they’re like the others, but stronger, more muscular, more enduring… It’s the same when it comes to HPIs and “ordinary people”!
I don’t know and I don’t want to find out! I don’t want to take the tests… It’s too dangerous, you never know! [laughs]
Above all, don’t get carried away! [smile]
It’s a normal brain, but boosted. There’s more memory, more connections, more ideas, it goes faster, there’s more space… But it’s a brain like any other! It’s like cars: there are small cars and big cars, but they all work the same way.
I could make two definitions of it:
These two definitions don’t overlap perfectly, but there’s a common thread, a kind of link between them.
By “Intelligence”, we mean this ability to accomplish various tasks quickly, to have a good memory, and so on. But some say that’s not enough, especially if you think that the true definition of intelligence involves revolutionizing human nature. For that, you need “Creativity”, the ability to be original, to stand out from the crowd. Because if all you have is intelligence, you may be effective, but not necessarily revolutionary.
But that’s not all. Intelligence and creativity are not enough. You also have to be able to get down to work. At the end of the day, to achieve something great, you need to be fully committed to the task, to have that motivation.
These are the three elements: Intelligence, Creativity and Commitment, are a bit like the three rings needed to, who knows, one day revolutionize human nature.
Not everything. They’re not necessarily better at emotional intelligence, or at motor skills, i.e. sports. In fact, it’s more in the cognitive sphere that they’re better than everyone else.
If it really matters, you can simply take an I.Q. test to find out if it’s over 130.
The Intelligence Quotient is a measurement, a number that revolves around 100… 130 is very high, 70 is very low. It measures a form of intelligence that corresponds to the “g” factor. We’re talking about mental power, fairly general cognitive abilities.
Yes, but I never got the result!
No, it depends what “acting intelligently” means. But having a high IQ means we’re more efficient, so we have the potential to learn, but we can use it to do evil or defend false ideas we might have in our heads. Sometimes a high IQ is rather unfavorable… For critical thinking, for example.
At least, it’s been the trend of the last few decades, yes.
No, 2.3% of the population still is. In any case, if we follow the definition “I.Q. greater than 130”, this percentage doesn’t change.
It’s like living a little faster with a little more light!
Rather than trying to develop one’s potential, first develop yourself. If you like pottery, make pottery, rather than becoming an engineer or a doctor, even if you have the ability. I’m not sure there’s much point in developing your potential, unless you want to. Then you have the motivation to go with it.
The quick answer is “yes”. Even if these terms have very different connotations. “Surdoué” is used less now, because it sounds a bit like “too gifted”, and it can imply that there are associated problems, which isn’t necessarily the case. “Zebra” may have originally just meant HPI, but now it’s more akin to hypersensitive and unhappy.
As for “philo-cognitive”, it’s a mixture of several things. From the word’s formation alone, it’s someone who “loves cognition”, so it doesn’t really fit with the classic definition of an HPI.
But long story short, yes, all these terms more or less refer to the same idea.
What nonsense! You can make friends among HPIs, but also among others. So it’s not true, in general, HPIs are well surrounded.
I think it’s always been essential to adapt. [smile]
More like a match. There are arguments for and against, but the majority are pretty positive. So it’s a match!
Not sure… Yes, some of the intelligence linked to the “g” factor can be developed, but there are other aspects of intelligence that are quite resistant to change. Take memory, for example. It’s really hard to develop. You can learn techniques to retain more, but it’s a bit like cheating! [smile]
Memory is very hard to develop…
Yes, Metacognition is important. Here, we’re right in the middle of it, so the game is interesting.
My kids are 19, so they’re too old, but if they were old enough, yes, I’d take the trial version and see! [smile]
I’ve got two.
Let’s just say that the main message, when you’re HPI, is that you shouldn’t get carried away. It’s not such big news… We’re simply part of the population, just like those who are over 2 metres tall. Being HPI is an opportunity, a positive thing, but it’s not a revolution in itself. [smile]
➡️ Also to be read: All about Metacognition: the interview with Alexandra Volckaert