Imagine a journey to the heart of the most complex human organ: the brain. That’s the unique experience offered by Brain Week, the event dedicated to exploring and demystifying the enigmas that orchestrate every thought, emotion and memory.
The event takes place in over 100 countries, including 120 French cities, in a multitude of venues, from major metropolises to small towns, offering a diversity of approaches and perspectives on neuroscience.
This special week brings together an international community of scientists, researchers, and educators, all united by a shared passion for neuroscience. In France, renowned institutions such as CNRS and INSERM play a key role in organizing the event.
Their mission? To share their passion and knowledge with the general public, shedding light, in the process, on preconceived ideas about the Brain and highlighting the latest scientific advances.
At Babaoo, we see it as an opportunity to show that science can be both fun and enriching, a way of getting to know ourselves better so we can live better!
Brain Week tackles a variety of subjects: from the most fundamental, such as how neurons work, to societal issues, such as the impact of new technologies on our Brains. For this 2024 edition, various topics will be addressed, including:
➡️ The full program is available on the official Brain Week website.
What makes this event so special is the opportunity for direct exchange with researchers and healthcare professionals. These moments of sharing demystify scientific research and make it accessible. Questions from the public, often pointed and varied, enrich these exchanges.
Brain Week is also an opportunity to highlight ongoing research and understand its practical implications. Through laboratory visits or project presentations, the public grasps the importance of fundamental and applied research in meeting our society’s health challenges.
The organizers make a point of proposing activities that solicit the active participation of visitors. This hands-on approach facilitates understanding of sometimes complex concepts and stimulates participants’ natural curiosity through :
✏ Note: the key aim of this event is to make neuroscience accessible to everyone, regardless of education level or age. Activities are designed to be understandable and captivating, whether you’re a curious neophyte or a student of science.
The Brain, that complex and fascinating organ, is at the center of many questions and myths. Brain Week offers a unique opportunity to demystify and explain how this essential organ works.
Awareness of neurological diseases
As the population ages, neurological diseases and mental disorders are affecting a growing proportion of the population. Brain Week plays a role in raising awareness of these issues, notably by providing information on symptoms, available treatments, and above all, means of prevention.
Promoting neuroscience research
Neuroscience research is essential to understanding the mysteries of the Brain and finding treatments for neurodegenerative and psychiatric diseases, or brain injuries. Highlighting the work of researchers encourages support for scientific research and underlines the importance of investment in this field.
Awakening vocations
Making science accessible and presenting neuroscience in an attractive way can awaken vocations in young people and offer career opportunities.
To mark Brain Week, Babaoo will unveil a daily video capsule exploring the behind-the-scenes creation of its game. These vignettes will highlight how neuroscience principles guide game design and experience, to bring you an engaging and effective game!
Stay tuned and follow us on Instagram so you don’t miss a thing about this event!
Brain Week isn’t just an opportunity to learn: it’s an invitation to see the world, and ourselves, in a new light, through the prism of our most mysterious and powerful organ! 🧠
➡️ Also worth reading: The benefits of learning through video games